Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Sofiyah's 12th Birthday

(the domokon bag.... via google)

I read Sofiyah's FB status that she would like to have a 'pomo' bag for her birthday. What's a pomo bag?? I enquired from her siblings and no one knows what a pomo bag is, until her older bro No.2 (Khairulzaman) googled and found that its a domokon bag, not pomo.

So...older sister no.2 (Ayeshah) googled to find out where to get the bag. Suddenly older sister no.1 (Khadijah) said, can find at PV (Pavillion).

So.... hubby (her dad..hehehee) and I (her mom... hehe...) drove to Pavillion after delivering our mutton order to Jalan Ampang.

This will be my first visit to Pavillion.... and will be my last.... I so no like it... Preferred KLCC anytime. But because have to search for darling Sofiyah's birthday present, we asked a toy shop at Pavillion. No domokon bag anywhere in Pavillion. Can find at Fahrenheit. Fahrenheit?? Where aunty?? Last time call KL Plaza ma.... You tulun itu LG sana, belok kanan, lanti you lampak itu kelai jul itu lomokon bag ma..... manyak mulah.... (You go to LG, turn right, and you will see the shop that sells domokon bags... very cheap...).

So... I waited at Pavillion whilst my hubby went to Fahrenheit to purchase the domo bag. Hubby returned after 20 minutes with the domo bag!!! Wowwww... hubby really goes all out for his 'baby'...

When we reached home and gave the bag to Sofiyah... she was jumping up and down with joy... and her dad were showered with hugs and kisses... me included...

Sofiyah..we love you so much, Happy birthday sayang.. and may Allah bless you always...

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